Excessive cutting of trees

Daniyal khan
4 min readApr 9, 2021


Hello people, hope you all are doing great in such testing times , I hope we all get through this quickly and get back to the normal life.

We’ve been so occupied in this pandemic that we just ignored all the problems that we are facing , one of those issues is Excessive cutting of trees, now this is a very serious and increasing problem specially for the people living in Karachi. We are baring severe issues due to this and there’s no one looking after this or trying to address it.

I think we need to unite ourselves ,we need to push ourselves and try to own our land , we all should realize our responsibilities, we all need to understand how important this issue is and how severe it’s effects are.

Problem Statement : Excessive cutting of trees , this is a very serious and increasing issue ,we need to find a solution for this unless its consequences would be serious.

Pitch : I think Cutting down of trees is one of the major reasons of temperature rise specially in Karachi, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, Climate change , Most people used to sit below trees in humid conditions .

The above stated reasons are just few effects of Cutting of trees .

The above pictures are of Karachi , the increase in cutting of trees is alarming, these are pictures from a couple of areas.

The above picture pretty much sums up about the condition of Karachi in terms of Greenery.

I’ve always been curious about the Increase in Temperature of our city, I searched about it and got to know that one of the major reasons for this is cutting down of trees, I searched about it and got to know some astonishing facts, this was the main reason I started to think about this issue in dept,and wanted to do something about it .

Karachi receives less rainfall and the temperature of the city is increasing with each passing year. Meanwhile, concrete buildings, industries, and signboards are killing the city’s greenery.

One of the major effects of Tree cutting is Increased greenhouse gases, Trees capture greenhouse gases (GHGs) like carbon dioxide, preventing them from accumulating in the atmosphere and warming our planet. … We’re also creating emissions by cutting down trees: when trees are felled, they release into the atmosphere all the carbon they’ve been storing.

Another major issue is Increase in Temperature,The more trees, the less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the more oxygen. … With more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, more of the sun’s radiation is being reflected back to earth, instead of space, and this is causing our average temperature to rise.

This is the reason for Increase in Karachi’s temperature and less annual rainfall.

According to a report ,

In fact, urban cities — such as Karachi — are usually more susceptible to heat waves due to a phenomena knows as the “heat island effect” which causes temperatures to be 5–8 °C higher than the countryside.

“Deforestation, increase heat absorption and limit air circulation,” says Zainub AlRustamani.

The only solution to this is Plant trees as much as you can to the best of your resources and capabilities.

We need to plant a tree wherever possible. We can buy recycled products and then recycle them, raise awareness in our social circles and communities about the importance of planting trees.

It is however important that the right type of trees are planted to help climate change, it has to be strategic. Broadleaved species — such as oak, beech and maple — are best because they have a larger surface area of leaves which generates more photosynthesis, whereas conifers absorb more heat.

It wasn’t easy to go and plant tress ,but we tried our best with our resources to try and educate people about this to encourage them to plant trees, we tried to plant trees in our areas.

The benefits for me from this was that I felt a sense of Realization inside myself, I felt that I’m atleast trying to contribute something , I felt great, the major benefit was to get a sense of Realization and I’ll try to carry this realization in future projects/works. The other benefits were interaction with people ,getting to know what others think about it, working as a team. This thing will only be possible if we try to implement it on a bigger scale , it’s just about REALIZATION.

If actions are not taken to combat the impact of climate change, environmental factors will continue to worsen the political and economic instability in Pakistan and one of their biggest threats, in the long term, is the stabilization of Karachi, the country’s economic backbone.

“For a better tomorrow, Plant more trees and make this planet a better place to live in”.



Daniyal khan
Daniyal khan

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